Hello and welcome to HelloQuincey! My name is Quincey and I am the owner of this website. I was born and raised in the Midwest United States and that is where I still live.
I initially started sewing because of my grandma, and when I was 10 she helped me make my first quilt. It was a lot of straight stitching and she did majority of the heavy lifting, but it was a good experience. I enjoyed using the sewing machine and putting everything together.
In my teenage years, I would buy clothes from Goodwill and try to make them fit my style. Most clothes at stores were either the wrong color or they didn’t quite fit, not to mention the low quality of the fabrics. Since then, I’ve made all sort of things from women’s clothes to household items to baby gear.
Recently, I have been making my own wardrobe and sewing custom things tailored exactly to my taste. I also have tailored clothes for friends and family, including bridesmaids’ dresses, suits, jackets, and dresses.